SEENA SHARP is the principal of one of America's first competitive intelligence firms and author of Competitive Intelligence Advantage: How to Minimize Risk, Avoid Surprises, and Grow Your Business in a Changing World.

Through her engaging, thought-provoking keynotes and workshops, Seena has taught executives and professionals around the world to use the power of market intelligence. Her pragmatic and provocative presentations are tailored to corporate or industry audiences.

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SharpInsights began as dispatches from market intelligence pro Seena Sharp to her clients. Today, subscribers around the world learn about new approaches, emerging opportunities, and surprising trends. Shake Up Your Thinking, Shape Up Your Business: 68 SharpInsights to Attract Customers and Boost Sales is her greatest hits!

Here’s what fans say…

“Your topics remind me of the book Freakonomics.”
“…short, clear, insightful and motivating.”
“…always a good ‘course correction’.”
“Challenges thinking nicely.”
“Simple, readable and thoughtful…WOW!”
“Excellent writing, amazing ideas, always fun!”

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